Manual Cleanout Burn Tables
Manual cleanout burn tables are zoned and ducted. This variety of burn table offers a manual cleanout only. Even though this may appear to be a viable economical solution, the cleanout process requires valuable time and effort to clean out these very long burn tables.
Manual cleanout tables are an option for all our burn tables except for our MetalMaster Xcel. You can choose from manual cleanout burn tables or The Slagger® table.
Build Your Own Burn Table
Some customers prefer to build their own burn tables. For these customers, Messer Cutting Systems offers design packages for a Slagger® and downdraft tables.
These packages include:
- Tableside and duct walls.
- Frame and pneumatic door.
- Drawings to fabricate all internal table components, slats, or slat trays to complete the table.
- Slagger blade assembly if purchased.
Do you want to build your own slats? Messer Cutting Systems offers Slat Design Packages as well.
Our sales team can help you decide to buy complete or design packages.
Messer Cutting Systems, Inc.