Using these systems can result in 30-40% increase in productivity over traditional cutting systems. Featured above with enclosure. Offered with the MetalMaster Xcel.

  • Shuttle tables from 6′ x 10′ to 10′ x 25′ plate area with either .75″  or 2″ capacity in mild steel.
  • The load and unload area allowing the operator to work freely without interfering with the cutting operation or being hit by the machine.
  • Cutting area of the machine portion can be placed in a non-crane area such as a bay line, protecting the machine from the plate loading operation.
  • The enclosure provides noise, light, and smoke abatement during the cutting process.

We partnered with Franklin Manufacturing for in-line conveyor cutting tables with long plate cutting applications. Franklin Manufacturing uses Messer exclusively for their systems sold into the steel fabricated building industry.

  • The cutting table is a excellent solution for long parts.
  • The table with self-cleaning channel design works as an exhaust duct and aids in smoke removal.
  • Smart Cranes can be added for automatically loading and unloading plate.


Messer Cutting Systems, Inc.

W141 N9427 Fountain Blvd.
Menomonee Falls, WI 53051


+1 262-255-5520
+1 262-255-5170
Contact Us


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